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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Waterways Chaplaincy News

An encouragement to Anglican vicars to consider volunteering as a Waterways Chaplain

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 31st August 2021
At Waterways Chaplaincy we have a number of vicars or retired clergy who help us minister to, and support those…

New members boost the Chaplaincy Team on the Broads

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 24th August 2021
The Waterways Chaplaincy Team on the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads is delighted to announce the appointment as Probationary Waterways Chaplains,…

Ribbons of Reflection symbolise thanksgiving and remembrance at South Kyme in Lincolnshire

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 24th August 2021
Waterways Chaplain Tina Clark is a lay reader in the Church of England, based at South Kyme, Lincolnshire, and is…

A blessing for a couple and their new boat “Dignity” on the Grand Union canal

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 24th August 2021
Liveaboard boaters David and Collette’s new boat Dignity is especially blessed! Waterways Chaplain Richard Thompson, who is based on the…


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