With God’s providence and blessing the Waterways Chaplaincy has seen growth both in chaplaincy personnel and volume of caseloads spreading northwards from the Midlands. Reflecting on this, WWC leadership sought to embrace this expansion by creating two new hubs, one of which I’m thrilled to say is the Lancashire Hub.
In terms of geographical location the new hub’s area spreads northwards and eastwards from the Mersey Estuary and embraces the dioceses of Liverpool, Blackburn, Manchester and quite possibly Leeds.

At the moment, in addition to myself we have four chaplains; Peter & Frances Grieve, Bev Howard, and James Mawdesley (probationary). Though small in number at the moment, in answer to prayer, opportunities are beginning to present themselves for showcasing our ministry; I have a speaking engagement with Liverpool Diocese Sector Ministries on Tuesday 23rd Feb and have received an enquiry from a representative of churches in the Manchester Diocese.
The Lancashire Hub is in an embryonic state at the moment and we would greatly welcome your continued prayer for God’s Will to be done in this area.
Yours in Christ
Steve Clarke