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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Stories from our waterways

Appointment of new deputy Senior Chaplain

Mark Chester reports:

“I am delighted to announce the appointment of Debbie Nouwen, as my deputy. Debbie will help me to develop the ministry of Waterways Chaplaincy in the Midlands and North of England with effect from 1st  January 2018.  She will be commissioned into this ministry by Bishop of Richmond at an informal service in her home church of St Luke’s Leeds at 10am Thursday 25 January, details to follow.  

I am encouraged by this appointment as Debbie will bring a great deal to this new role. She will be drawing on her extensive experience as a Christian engaged in social work as well as her experience living on the waterways and being part of the boating community.”

A Yorkshire Lass!

Debbie introduces herself:  

“My name is Debbie and I am a proud Yorkshire lass born and bred!  For the last 10 years I have enjoyed the many escapades that come with living on a canal boat, alongside Nell, my wonderful border collie.  I’m a social worker by profession, but God has flipped me upside down and I’m now embarked on a new journey towards becoming a priest in the Church of England.  I am tremendously excited about being part of waterways chaplaincy, let this new voyage begin!”

 Please pray for Debbie and the ministry at this important juncture.


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