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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Stories from our waterways

Boat sale comes just at the right time

Boat sale comes just at the right time

Sometimes for various reasons chaplains have to leave the waterways and their boats for important family reasons. We all know the sterling work that Bob and Jan Wayment put into running the Prayer Chain over many years, but sadly had to give up the waterway life owing to Bob’s illness.

The below article and photo were first seen in the Tillergraph free paper, and was written by James Millsop from Rugby Boats partly as advertising but also honouring Bob and Jan. It is reproduced below in full, but shows how God honoured them with a quick sale when needed.

The article was written when Bob and Jan’s boat was up for sale and they had taken a sabbatical from the work. We recently spoke to Jan and she has told us that they are now back at work as WWCs walking the Buckby Flight whenever possible.

Praise the Lord.


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