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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Ribbons of Reflection symbolise thanksgiving and remembrance at South Kyme in Lincolnshire

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 24th August 2021
Waterways Chaplain Tina Clark is a lay reader in the Church of England, based at South Kyme, Lincolnshire, and is…

Covid vaccinations on the Kennet and Avon canal

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 29th May 2021
It’s good to see that the push for everyone to get their Covid vaccinations is continuing and that the service…

Waterways chaplain helps boaters with their lockdown shopping

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 25th January 2021
As we all know, shopping during lockdown has become more of a challenge than normal. Wearing face coverings, negotiating one-way…

A struggle to stay afloat amid the pandemic

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 7th September 2020
Churches around the UK have been doing an amazing job helping the most vulnerable groups during the pandemic, but might…

Covid 19 Update

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 3rd July 2020
Waterways Chaplains do not see their activity as a social activity but an essential ministry established by God to show…

Waterways Chaplaincy (Not) In Lockdown

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 5th June 2020
Waterways Chaplaincy (Not) In Lockdown The Waterways Chaplaincy has not shut its doors! Indeed, many of our chaplains have been…

The Covid19 Threat

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 19th March 2020
There is no doubt that we are living in turbulent and uncertain times. Few people are unaffected. In such times…


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