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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Waterways Chaplaincy News

When the going gets rough

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 21st December 2019
a Chaplain might just prove useful! Senior Waterways Chaplain, Mark Chester, told me this week that he is about to…

Brew your way to new friends

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 21st November 2019
Waterways Chaplains Fiona & Martin Buck, together with Vanessa Layfield have started up a ‘Babble & Brew’ 3 weeks ago…

Chester Diocese finds out what it is being a volunteer Waterways Chaplain

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 19th November 2019
Vanessa Layfield, Engagement and Inclusion Officer at the Diocoese of Chester, visits Nantwich Marina to find out what it means…

Appointment of Probationary Waterways Chaplains – North

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 19th October 2019
October has seen the appointment of a few Probationary Waterways Chaplains to the Northern fold. Vanessa Layfield lives in Natwich, The…

New Lead Waterways Chaplain – North Commissioned

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 19th October 2019
Babs Davis was commissioned as Lead Waterways Chaplain- North during planning days held at Church Army offices in Sheffield on…

Up for a new Challenge? How about becoming a Waterways Chaplain?

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 6th September 2019
Up for a new Challenge? How about becoming a Waterways Chaplain? Life after full-time work offers countless new opportunities. And…

Blackburn Waterways Chaplains Licensed

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 6th September 2019
Congratulations to Frances and Peter Grieve licensed as Waterways Chaplains at Clayton Brook Community Church near Blackburn on Sunday 14…

New Waterways Chaplain around Milton Keynes Area

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 6th September 2019
Congratulations to Gerry Waters being appointed as a probationary Waterways Chaplain at Kings Langley in July. Gerry will be ministering…

Waterways Chaplaincy at Inland Waterways Association Festival

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 6th September 2019
The Waterways Chaplaincy was at this years’ Inland Waterways Association (IWA) Festival of Water at Waltham Abbey on the 24-26th…

New Senior Waterways Chaplain Appointed

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 6th September 2019
Congratulations  to Reverend Pat Willis appointed as Senior WWC, in Hungerford on the Kennet & Avon (K&A)canal. Her first…


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