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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Stories from our waterways

Looking for an opportunity to Volunteer in Christian work? Could you be a waterways chaplain?


Looking for an opportunity to volunteer in Christian work?

Could you be a waterways chaplain, perhaps?

Please feel free to come and find out whether being a volunteer waterways chaplain is for you.

  • You will find out what we stand for, who we help and how we aim to come alongside people on the towpath.
  • You don’t have to have a boat just a desire to share God’s love to those you meet.
  • There is no obligation to join if you attend.

  Familiarisation advert leaflet K&A Jan 19#

Find out more through our website: www.waterwayschaplaincy.org.uk

To be held at:

Newbury Baptist Church

Cheap Street

Newbury RG14 5DD

Arrive from 9:30 for coffee

Bring your own lunch

Drinks provided

We look forward to seeing you – bring a friend!

If you would like more details please complete the following. [supsystic-form id=13]








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