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Stories from our waterways

Probationary Chaplain asks Jesus to still the storm.

Probationary Chaplain asks Jesus to still the storm.

During November last year, one of our probationary chaplains helped a boater with clothes, toilet rolls as well as dog food and petrol. There was a terrible storm blowing at the time and the chaplain asked Jesus to still the storm, just for a while – his prayers were answered!

He said “the storm lessened and then stopped completely, allowing me time to lug this heavy bag of bits to the boat, have a chat and go for the petrol”.

… “He was so grateful and said he will write to express his thanks. I also gave him a New Testament. I was also able to signpost him to where he could get help with financial matters. The dog food was donated by a member of the local church and I suggested he ask them if he runs out of food again”.

….“I am so grateful to be part of this amazing ministry”.


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