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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Waterways Chaplaincy News

Outside worship at South Kyme boat weekend

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 24th May 2022
On the first May Bank Holiday the small village of South Kyme, Lincs hosts a boat weekend. Traditionally boats moor…

Listen to Waterways Chaplains in Shropshire

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 4th January 2022
The Shropshire Union or ‘Shroppie’ is a stunning part of our canal system. We have a few Waterways Chaplains on…

Boating community Beginnings in faith

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 15th December 2021
Inspiring stories from our Chaplains of meetings and the sharing of the Christian faith on our waterways in the Northern…

The Lichfield Barge Mission

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 6th December 2021
Back in 1877 Bishop George Selwyn of Lichfield (1858 – 1868) appointed a Barge Mission chaplain, who endeavoured to collect…

Waterways Chaplains celebrate and give thanks in Lichfield Cathedral

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 16th November 2021
Over a hundred chaplains from around the country descended on Lichfield Cathedral in November to celebrate their ministry and commission…

A new Chaplain hands out Bibles to Channel 4 crew

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 15th November 2021
New probationary Waterways Chaplain Stuart Tabeart had received his gilet only a few days before as a Probationer for the North…

Are you a Christian and would like to find out more about the Waterways Chaplaincy?

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 15th February 2021
Looking for an opportunity to volunteer in Christian work on the frontline? Saturday 10th April 2021 via Zoom – see…

Learn about Chaplaincy Essentials with the Waterways Chaplains

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 1st January 2020
Learn about ‘Chaplaincy Essentials’ with the Waterways Chaplains You are invited to attend out Chaplaincy Essentials day on 15th February…

Could you be a volunteer Waterways Chaplain in the Yorkshire Area?

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 1st January 2020
Is God talking to you about a ministry out of the four walls of the church, being his feet, hands…

New Senior Waterways Chaplain Appointed

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 6th September 2019
Congratulations  to Reverend Pat Willis appointed as Senior WWC, in Hungerford on the Kennet & Avon (K&A)canal. Her first…


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