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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Stories from our waterways

Waterways Chaplain Tina leads the annual boat service in Lincolnshire

On Sunday 16th May this year, WWC Tina Clark led the annual boat service at St Mary and All Saints, South Kyme, Lincolnshire. Usually the first bank holiday in May sees a boat gathering in South Kyme, led by the Slea Navigation Trust. Unfortunately due to lockdown many boaters could not arrive in time.

Tina felt it was important to recognise the peace and tranquillity the river Kyme Eau offered during the pandemic. The service, based on Celtic Morning Prayer, offered prayers for this, the congregation had to say what the river meant to them in two words. Suggestions were ‘abundant blessings’, ‘flora fauna’, ‘beautiful peace’. Tina unpicked the story of the calming of the storm by saying what words that spoke to her. They also shared the following blessing, Tina’s favourite, which you can read below …

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

Deep peace of the Prince of Peace to you.


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