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Safeguarding Policy

Waterways Chaplaincy affirms that the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is paramount. This means that all our work with such people will maintain the highest professional standards to ensure that their welfare is maintained and our ministry is a safe place.
Waterways Chaplaincy will uphold good practice in order to develop sound relationships of integrity, truthfulness and trust with children, young people and vulnerable adults and work to prevent abuse from occurring, as well as seeking to protect those that are at risk of being abused and those that have been. Waterways Chaplaincy will take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others and offer support to them whilst taking the steps to mitigate such risks.
We will do all that we can to make sure that we recruit and train those in positions of trust safely and fairly. The leadership of Waterways Chaplaincy are committed to promoting the importance of safeguarding so that everyone sees it as their responsibility, regardless of their role, and takes an active part in making our ministries and projects safe places.
Where there are disclosures or allegations of abuse, Waterways Chaplaincy will take them seriously and will co-operate with statutory agencies and will not investigate on its own. We will provide appropriate pastoral care to anyone who is the survivor of abuse as well as recognising our own responsibility to care for those who have had an allegation made against them.


Our expectations for all Waterways Chaplaincy personnel in relation to safeguarding is set out in our Safer Ministry policy, which can be viewed here.

As a member of the Anglican church, we aim to work closely with the safeguarding teams in all of the Anglican provinces, and ensure that our policy is in line with the minimum expectations of the different jurisdictions. We take professional advice from Thirtyone Eight in relation to safeguarding matters.


Waterways Chaplaincy’s core principles to safeguarding are:


We will value, listen to and respect all those within our care, communities and ministries; treating everyone with the unconditional love of Jesus.


We are committed to making our ministry safe. That means the safe recruitment, supervision and training for all those who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults; and thorough provisions in place to ensure the safety of our activities.


We will respond promptly to concerns or allegations regarding those to whom we have a responsibility for, working with statutory authorities as necessary.


We will seek to offer pastoral care to survivors of abuse and other affected persons; and care for those within our responsibility who have known to offend against a vulnerable person.


We will provide appropriate support and care to those whom may present a known risk to others. Waterways Chaplaincy will not discriminate against those who have offended in the past, but will do it all it can to ensure that risk is assessed and managed within our activities.
In all these principles, we will follow legislation, guidance and recognised good practice. We will aim to work with openly towards those who need to know and confidentially with those who are not directly involved and the sharing of statutory information to the relevant authorities.

What to do if you have concerns
If you have information relating to a safeguarding matter and a child or adult is in immediate danger, please contact the emergency services on 999.
If you have any concerns relating to Waterways Chaplaincy personnel or activities, you can contact Waterways Chaplaincy’s safeguarding team at Church Army HQ who will look into the matter. You can contact our Safeguarding Team on safeguarding@churcharmy.org or call 0300 123 2113.
Finding Support and more information
Reporting abuse is difficulty, therefore if you need advice and support there are a number of agencies who may be able to help you and provide a 24-7 service.

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