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Stories from our waterways

Answered prayer on the Waterways

Answered prayer on the Waterways

Sometimes, there are situations that can seem impossible for us as individuals to solve, but when God is brought into a situation through the prayer of His followers, things start to happen! Earlier this year, Chaplains Malcolm and Stephanie prayed for a couple in need.

“About a year ago we met a couple at Stone last year who were having to sell their boat because of ill health. We prayed with them and they sold the boat the next day They needed somewhere to live but they owned a dog which complicated matters. We prayed with them again and a flat appeared the next day.

We have just spoken to them and they now live in Epworth (where the Wesley’s lived) and are in a Social Housing flat with new carpets, freshly decorated. They have also managed to register with a local Doctor.  The husband’s condition has deteriorated slightly but they are settled.

Praise the Lord for answered prayer!


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