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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Waterways Chaplaincy News

A Busy life on the Broads

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 29th May 2021
WWC Mike Cadman writes from the Norfolk Broads… WWC was introduced as ‘if you have a problem or want to…

What is the Waterways Chaplaincy? – an article by WWC Roger Hazelgrove

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 29th May 2021
Recent years have seen increasing number of people moving onto the waterways.  People think that the waterways are quiet uninhabited…

Volunteering on the Waterways – hear about the work of one of our Chaplains

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 13th April 2021
Its easy to think that a boaters life is idylic, but, especially in times like these, people on the canals…

Easter Blessings (and hot cross buns!) for boaters

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 13th April 2021
Easter 2021 – A time for getting out and about – chatting in the open air, and looking forward to…

In memory of Prince Philip

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 12th April 2021
On behalf of the Waterways Chaplains, ministering on the inland waterways, please be assured of our prayers of thanksgiving for…

Waterways chaplains CRT Article – help on the waterways for boaters in need

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 5th April 2021
The media team at the Canal and River Trust had a chat with Rev. Pat Willis recently. Pat is the…

Peace, tranquillity, fresh air and the other side of the coin

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 29th March 2021
A surprising number of retired Anglican clergy own narrow boats, or if they don’t actually have their own, they hire…

Waterways Chaplaincy as a Gideon… can you be one?

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 24th February 2021
Gordon Short – Waterways Chaplain with the South East Hub talks about his experiences and learning as a Chaplain and…

A note from Steve Clarke about the new Lancashire Hub

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 24th February 2021
With God’s providence and blessing the Waterways Chaplaincy has seen growth both in chaplaincy personnel and volume of caseloads spreading…

Reflections on the Waterways “Week of Prayer 2021” – by Waterways Chaplain Rosie Leakey

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 24th February 2021
If I have to sum up the week for me in a sentence I would say it has been a…


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