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Waterways Chaplaincy News

Waterways Chaplaincy News

A new Chaplain hands out Bibles to Channel 4 crew

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 15th November 2021
New probationary Waterways Chaplain Stuart Tabeart had received his gilet only a few days before as a Probationer for the North…

A Carer for the Hidden

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 22nd June 2020
A Waterways Chaplain, early in their introductory training, tells of the personal journey that has put them on the tow…

Learn about Chaplaincy Essentials with the Waterways Chaplains

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 1st January 2020
Learn about ‘Chaplaincy Essentials’ with the Waterways Chaplains You are invited to attend out Chaplaincy Essentials day on 15th February…

Could you be a volunteer Waterways Chaplain in the Yorkshire Area?

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 1st January 2020
Is God talking to you about a ministry out of the four walls of the church, being his feet, hands…

Appointment of Probationary Waterways Chaplains – North

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 19th October 2019
October has seen the appointment of a few Probationary Waterways Chaplains to the Northern fold. Vanessa Layfield lives in Natwich, The…

Welcome Probationary Waterways Chaplain Albert

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 16th May 2018
Welcome! Meet Albert Botelli, London’s new probationary Waterways Chaplain. Albert will be working in the Victoria Park area of the…

Kings Langley area welcomes Suzie Taylor

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 5th April 2018
Senior Waterways Chaplain Lorraine Newman welcomes Suzie Taylor as a new probationary Chaplain for the Kings Langley area on the…

Meet probationary Chaplains in the Hants & Surrey area

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 5th April 2018
Dianne & David Pickford and Dawn Winslow were welcomed by Revd. Mark Rudall as probationary Chaplains in the newly renamed area…

Find out about Jonathan Hodgins – another probationary Chaplain for the North West area

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 5th April 2018
I am a minister in Chester in a church that overlooks the canal. After church on Sunday I would often…

New Probationary Waterways Chaplains on Grand Union

WaterwaysChaplaincy | 19th April 2017
Malcolm and Stephanie Grey-Smart (right in photo) have had their own boat nb Elisha for 14 years and have been…


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